Saturday, August 15, 2020

Downtime Spending Rules for OD&D

Downtime Spending

In OD&D, where game time is meant to correspond to real time, I saw a need for mechanics to determine what happens during those 2 weeks of game time between our sessions.
You pick the social class you want to live like, and that determines how much it costs per week, as follows:
Lower Lower Class (bums on the street) - 1 cp
Middle Lower Class (what you were as indentured servants) - 1 sp
Upper Lower Class (freemen, working class) - 1 ep
Lower Middle Class (common tradesmen) - 5 gp
Middle Middle Class (guild tradesmen) - 10 gp
Upper Middle Class (merchants) - 20 gp
Lower Upper Class (knights) - 60 gp
Middle Upper Class (barons) - 180 gp
Upper Upper Class (dukes) - 360 gp
Upper Upper Class+ (princes) - 720 gp
Upper Upper Class++ (kings) - 1,440 gp

What Happened to You Doing Your Week of Downtime? Table
Roll       Result
1 or less Someone kills you in your sleep and takes all your stuff
2            There is a 5 in 6 chance that someone beats you up, robs you of 10-60% of your wealth, and leaves you with 1 hp
3            You have a 4 in 6 chance of catching an ailment/disease/infestation (referee’s call)
4            You have a 3 in 6 chance of one of your contacts/followers/hirelings/henchmen leaving you
5-9        Nothing happens
10          You have a 3 in 6 chance of picking up a new contact/meeting someone to hire
11          You have a 4 in 6 chance of someone seeking you out to hire you to do something (plot hook!)
12          You have a 5 in 6 chance of a sponsor finds you and offers to pay your way to the next social class up next week
13+       You are accepted into the hierarchy for your class or race (your choice) or advance up in that hierarchy (permanent one step up on the social class table)

Social Class Modifiers
LLC -4
MLC - 2
ULC -1
MC - no modifiers
LUC +1
MUC +2
UUC +4

[This next part is adapted from an early Dragon magazine: ]
Further, like in the original Blackmoor campaign, you can earn XP *again* by additional spending during downtime, in the following ways:
- Religious sacrifice. Any classes, no more than 1/week, no limit.
– Philanthropy. Non-chaotics only, no limit (half-value for Neutrals).
– Spell Research. Magic-users only, up to 250 gp per level per day.
– Clan hoards. Demi-humans only, no limit, but must travel to the location of the clan & its hoard.
- Guild/Church tithing. Any classes, no more than 1/week, up to 10% of everything you have.
– Carousing. Non-lawfuls only (half-value for Neutrals). Max spent is 500 gp per level per night (or 250 if at less than full hp). A character needs a CON score of 2 per day (so a CON of 14+ is required to keep going all seven days of the week), and the character needs an equal number of days of rest afterwards.

For downtime extra spending, 1 XP is earned for every 2 GP spent (so 50% of its initial XP value when earned).

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