Sunday, December 5, 2021

Philosophy Class Doodles

 More scans of old mildewed paperwork that needs to go...

Some of the doodles were of classmates. The girl who wore hats to class always intrigued me, which is why she got drawn twice. She worked on the school newspaper, but I don't know what her name was.

The above character is Marcy the Lich, who's already been featured on this blog in the past.

That was a terrible portrait of Joe Dunham, my philosophy teacher at Aurora University. He was a great teacher, perhaps never exemplified better than our above exchange. I had long doodled on tests, but here Joe met me on my own turf and answered my doodle with a doodle of his own! Yes, that's his Ziggy next to my Skyler from the comic strip Shoe. I never had another teacher do that.

Ouch, this one came out really light on the scanner! At the beginning of my notes from class that day is an ode to my favorite TV show at that time -- something you never hear about anymore today -- The Gary Shandling Show. It reads: 
These are the notes to Casper's class
The notes to Casper's class
Dunham called on me and said
"You've got to take some notes, son."
I was also big into Finnish mythology at that time, hence the portrait of Vainomoinen Suvantolainen. 


This showed up a little better. First is Thanos with his infinity gauntlet, showing its soul gem and its rap gem. I was pretty funny back then! And the second doodle is a much better sketch of Professor Dunham himself, much as the man looked, though I don't know why I left the temples off his glasses.

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