Friday, November 15, 2019

Prymptown Courier v. 3 no. 8

[The attachment to this e-mail, mentioned in the editorial is lost.]


Vol. 3, No. 8 (January 2001)


Welcome to the first Courier of the 21st century!  

I'll try to keep this editorial shorter than normal, because this issue is extra special in two respects. One, the write-up for the 26th session is so long I had to include it as our 1st attachment! If anyone has trouble opening it, make sure to contact me and I'll try sending it in segments. Two, the 26th session never actually took place! Well, not like a regular session. It was an experiment, conducted over two months, to see how well the campaign would work as a pbem (Play By E-Mail) campaign. It was a lot of hard work, and moved even slower than monthly playing sessions, but it was fun.  Best of all, everyone gets to read selections from the pbem now, featuring many sections written by the players themselves!

Growfest 1, 580 CY.  Starday.

With the month of Coldeven over, it was time for the one-week festival of Growfest.  By this time, the plowing was done in the fields, and the farmers could begin planting - after much carousing of course.  This year, there would be more to celebrate, since the Herzog's forces had been denied the rich prize of Prymptown.

At first, when the army and navy of the Herzog had moved west to find easier pickings, the town remained silent, as if everyone was holding their breath. Was it truly over?  The answer that began to circulate through the defending army's encampment was "yes!"  People began leaving for their homes shortly after, without even being officially discharged.  Others milled about, complaining quietly that they should have been reimbursed for their efforts.  But this was an unusual concept which only the grizzled mercenaries caught in Prymp at this time of crisis adhered to.  Everyone else seemed genuinely glad to have done their part to defend their homes.  There was much back-slapping and laughing, and then there was much hard work - for businesses needed to be reopened, and boarded up homes needed to be reclaimed.  That was when a shadow of sadness eclipsed the general good mood of the populace, for there were homes and businesses which would not be reclaimed or reopened.  There were hundreds of people -- some friends, others neighbors - who had been killed and were now gone.

In all this activity, the Band of the Grinning Gargoyle, who had almost single-handedly saved Prymp, were largely forgotten.  This left them free to go about their own way. 
They were welcome to remain in the camp, which had yet to be disassembled.  There were still about 200 people milling about the camp, and talk was going around that it would
remain there to be the location of a Growfest celebration.
Those in the know, who understand just what the Band of the Grinning Gargoyle had accomplished, had sought them out to congratulate them and shake their hands.


Enlock realized the Herzog could be a greater threat if he took the rest of the coastline.  Hopefully, some of his smarter companions saw this too, but they all seemed
intent on going on a "vacation," as Alex put it.  Of course, most of them had been at this longer than he.  Perhaps they really did need some travel and rest.  And then there was
the matter of training.  Everyone seemed to be needing it. 

"I should be ready myself as well," Enlock thought.  Nemis Coraz would be a good choice for a tutor, but Alex seemed intent on heading east to Rel Deven, and no one
else in the party knew that city as well as he did.

On the other hand, it seemed as if the majority of the band would be heading south to Hexpools.  Vlad, Peri, and Barada were heading that way, at any rate.  Andel, and that new druid Maldrik, seem undecided.  At any rate, it seemed as if everyone who was leaving would do so within the next five days.  In two months time, everyone is to meet up in Hexpools.


Barada could not help but feel robbed of most of his chances for personal glory.  While exploring the caves
found under Prymp, the rust monster destroyed his new bandedmail armor -- his third suit of armor in two months! -- and forced him to return to the surface early and miss some glorious battles.  Then, while storming the Garrison, he was rendered unconscious by guardsmen who got in
some lucky blows, and he even missed his chance for revenge against the pirate master, Beregun Renspa, whom Peri killed instead!

Now everyone from the party was talking about training when they got to a city, and the thought had run through Barada's mind as well.  He felt he was ready to become a
true warrior.  There were plenty of people here in Prymp who would be able to train him, but then he might have to travel alone to Hexpools, where everyone has agreed
to meet up in two months.


Like a ghost, Perpegilliam Brown walked through the camp outside town -- though others claimed to have
spotted him within the city as well.  Those that did see
him did not see him for long, as he seemed to dissappear in an a blink of an eye.  Peri walked in the shadows, and he walked alone.  Pain and grief consumed Peri, and for
once Peri knew what the humans meant when they used the word "hate."

He had been watching Vladamir Kostitov on several occasions throughout the night and day.  The thought
of traveling with him made his stomach churn.  Peri even made his way up to Vlad's back once, but remained in the shadows. 

"What am I doing?"  Peri thought.  "These are my friends, aren't they?  How could they do this to me?" 
Peri slinked away from Vlad, wiping the tears from his eyes.  Vlad would be allowed to live, but the slate was now even.

It was not until late that evening that Peri came forth into the realm of those around him.  It was Philip Petrok that Peri went to see. 

"Excuse me, Mr. Petrok," he said, "I know you're a busy man, but I'd like to borrow a moment of your time."

The battle-hardend veteran and commander of the forces of Prymp was very busy talking to his staff on what actions the long range scouts had spotted.  Vicarus Philip Petrok did not see the hobniz at first, but he
recognized the voice instantly.  Looking over in a corner he saw the plump hobniz seated in a chair, whittling at a chunk of wood.  Petrok was amazed at how easily Peri got past his best guards and thought nothing of doing so.  "You have two minutes," Philip spoke in his deep, gruff voice.

"Yes sir,"  Peri replied.  The differences in the two men's voices was striking to the staff members present. 
"Yesterday night you said that you would supply Barada, Vlad, and myself with mounts.  I would at this
time also like to request provisions, and a pony to carry the provisions, and directions on how to get to Hexpools.

"But before you answer that request, I have a question, and a comment.  What are we to do if the army of the Herzog goes to Skull Keep?  We know for a fact that ships can dock at Skull Keep, so if the army stages itself there, it can do away with the restraining land support
that it has so far relied upon.  Of course, I'm sure you're about to tell me that I think too much."


While wandering the streets of Prymp, Vladamir was deep in thought making plans.

"I need to spend one day at home before heading south," he thought.  "I have much to do on this day.  I
have to meet with my companions to finalize all travel plans, goals, and arrangements.  As things stand now, I believe the arrangement is that I, Peri, and Barada will be
heading south while Alex, Enlock and Andel head east.  Andel, at least, plans to destroy some "cradle of filth" in that direction, and while I think this is a fine idea, far
more pressing matters await me in the south.

"Unless my companions object, I am going to give what remains of our town writ to my sister so that she may rebuild the shrine to Pelor.  If they object I'll remind them about Gabriel's beliefs and bring up something about doing it in his honor...

"As for family, I will heed all of the advice Demetrius is willing to give me for my journey at hand.  Marcus can wallow in his guilt and shame for now.  I have little to
say to him.  I will give the majority of the coinage I have on hand to my family.  I'm not sure how much that is off the top of my head, but I'd say approximately 30 gold or

It had been another uneventful night for Gabriel Lanovastrom and Hristo.  This day, they began traveling
through tilled fields.  Several humans, presumedly farmers, could be seen in the distance.

Just at dusk, they at last came in sight of their goal -- the town of Prymp at last!  Its walls still stood. There were no plumes of smoke rising from the castle.  Nor were
there signs of a besieging army.  Could Prymp have really prevailed against such overwhelming odds?

Gabriel and Hristo both decided to move forward and
see more.  Much of the wooden pallisade surrounding
the New City was gone or broken down.  The New City
appeared to have survived intact.  Gaining entrance to
the Old City through the Eastern Gate -- at the expense
of 1 sp each -- they found the townspeople out in the
streets.  Some were repairing their homes.  Others were
laughing and drinking in small groups.  Of course, this
was the first day of the first festweek of the year -- and
if not for the siege the town would have been still more
festive.  But there was more to be learned.  The Dock
District was burned down in a deadly fire.  Hundreds
died in the battle against the Provincial Army.  The day
was won, not by force of arms alone, but by divine
intervention.  It was said that an angel of Pholtus
appeared on the battlefield and smote down their leader. 
The Provincial Army had retreated, but instead of going
back south they had headed west to try taking the
smaller town of Porton.

And then they ran into Andel.  Andel Mooriv, the
acolyte who joined the Band from the abbey near
Shargallen, just happened to be walking past.  He
stopped with a start, pointed at Hristo, and said, "Ah,
Hristo.  I've been looking for you.  I am leading an
assault on the vile citadel of evil held by the Hextorites
to the east.  Will you join me in this holy quest?"


Growfest 2, 580 CY.  Sunday.

The dawning of a new day breathed more life back into
the free town of Prymp.  Its people rose from their beds
to find a second day without a siege.  Many took this
opportunity to try to return to a normal routine.  The
New Market was opened for a few peddlers and
merchants with carts or stands.  They were soon
overrun by people desperate to replace goods stolen
from them or destroyed during the siege.  Loaves of
bread were being sold for up to a silver score and
finding ample bidders!

While some waited in line for food, others were busying
themselves by clearing debris from the streets of the
former Dock District.  Most everything of value had
already been scavenged from the homes and shops in
this area, but many people came back anyways, having
nowhere else to go.

The defenders camp had been half-converted into a
hospital, with priests of both Pholtus and Zilchus
coming out of the Old City to help.  Still, miraculous
healing is at a premium, and more good was being done
with cold compresses and warm blankets than the
laying on of hands.  Anyone with experience in blood-
letting was being asked to volunteer.

But the somber tone of the day was alleviated somewhat
when several of the inns and taverns about town re-
opened in the afternoon.  The brewery went back to
work immediately to replace what was confiscated to
provide for the defenders, and soon there seemed to be
no region of town where one could not get liquored up
and forget one's problems.  Much of this took place out
in the streets, as the people of Prymp had enough lately
of hiding indoors.


Barada had been visited from Vladamir earlier in the day,
carrying all his adventuring gear, and asked if Barada
was ready to go to Hexpools yet.  Barada was taken
aback, not expecting to have to leave so soon.  In fact,
he was hoping the opportunity would come up to trade
in the new chainmail armor he had acquired for
something a little better in town first.  Vlad left muttering
about how Peri was no better.


Perpegilliam Brown raced after Vladamir Kostitov.  Peri
was normally able to keep up with his human
companions without a problem, but in the short time
since he had fallen in battle such trivial things seemed
difficult.  Peri huffed and puffed always keeping an eye
on Vladamir through the newly crowded streets of
Prymp.  Vlad was an easy target, not many of passer-bys
were dressed in full adventuring regalia, and in any
sense Peri already knew where Vlad was heading.

Barada sat in the Grinning Gargoyle tavern, drinking his
third beer and singing with the patrons who came to
rejoice in the apparent victory over the Herzogs'
imperial forces.  Peri entered the taproom winded and
tired of chasing after the impatient and hyper-active
Vlad.  The tavern was smokey with the scent of roast
pig wafting in the air, mixed with song and merriment
that could be heard down the street.  People from all
over the city had gathered here to celebrate at the one
place that seemed to galvanize the defenders of Prymp.

Peri made his way to a table and ordered a tankard of
Evelerry, his favorite spiced ale.  While waiting on the
tankard he spotted Vlad and Barada at the back corner
of the tavern in what appeared to be a heated
discussion.  Peri soon found himself alongside his two
companions with tankard in hand.  The corner they had
chosen was a bit quieter then the raucous center Peri
had left.  Vlad was attempting to coerce Barada into
leaving for Hexpools immediately when Peri interrupted. 

"Vlad will you please calm down; there's no reason to
rush off right now."  Peri's chirpy voice could barely be
discerned over the growing crowd.  Vlad did not appear
eager to hear what the hobniz had to say, but Peri was
determined to make him listen.  "My injuries will force
me to rest here in Prymp for the next few days.  I'm in no
condition to travel before that.  I only ask that you put
off our departure until then.  I know you don't want to
wait, but you have not been very forthcoming with your
interest or intentions for going to Hexpools, and that's
not making me anymore anxious to follow you there. 
Besides, there's still a simple matter that we need to look
into for Prymp."

Barada sat back down in the booth where he was before
Vlad's arrival.  His head fell into his hands, but chimed up
again when another beer was served.

"The Herzogs' army has moved off to the West.  It seems
to me, and to Phillip Petrok as well, that the army might
well try to put Skull Keep back into its use."

Peri rose a hand to stop Vlads' rebuttal.  "I'm not saying
that we need to organize the Band and go take on the
army there, no.  All we need to do is sneak over there and
confirm or deny for the Vicarus if that defeated army is
setting up there.  "Think about it for a second Vlad.  Skull
Keep would provide adequate barracks and defensive
positions.  It would give the army an accessible sea port
that lies within striking range of both Porton and Prymp! 
Can't you understand that, or are you too wrapped up in
your dreams to see the truth of it?

"I suppose it dosen't really even matter to you.  Your
family will survive whether or not Prymp remains free.  If
you go to before I can prepare, then you will go without
me.  Sure, I will eventually arrive in Hexpools, for you
know all too well that that is where my father now serves
your masters."  Peri sighs and shakes his head,
continuing, "Ya know, it's funny now that I think about
how the Band has never trusted me, when the whole time
you were the one keeping all the secrets and telling all
the lies.  Alex may be a misguided moron, but he was
right about one thing -- you should never be allowed to
lead.  If we all do go to Hexpools it will be by Barada's
command, NOT YOURS!"

The air between Peri and Vlad was electrified, their gazes
met in a virtual battle of iron wills that could be felt
throughout the room.  Neither had noticed that the bar
was now silent.  The patrons that had gatherd there were
struck with awe of the battle that seemed ready to erupt. 
"This was the Band of the Grinning Gargoyle," many in
the tavern thought, "what could be so powerful to bring
its members upon one another?" 


With the siege over and the economy rebuilding, Enlock
believed that it might be a good opportunity to find a
more permanent residence in Prymp.  Renting daily at
the local tavern was becoming a little pricey. Perhaps
the siege had caused some of the townsfolk to flee
Prymp, he thought, and why not benefit from available
real estate and build a staging point for future
adventures?  Also, he needed to build a suitable library
and laboratory for future research.  As for money to buy
a home, he had his share of the party treasure, five
pieces of crystal to barter with...and his own
extraordinary charisma...

Later, he planned to ask Nemis Coraz if he had any
suggestions for possible homes.  Also, he planned to
mention to Nemis about the scroll that Serius gave him
to deliver to Telemond of Belegend.  Maybe Nemis
would have a little insight about the task.  And if he did
not have any ideas, Enlock might ask those friendly
halflings who had sold him his embroidered robes --
they might have a couple of leads.  Though if he did
visit them, he would make sure to have Alex tend to his
money pouch.

Another acquaintance that might have information for
him would be the apothecarist.  Perhaps a visit to him
was in order.  He might even have some goods that he
needed purchased at Rel Deven -- an opportunity to do
a favor for a possible ally.

As for the good people of Prymp, Enlock's main concern
was for the wounded.  All of his time not used house
hunting, he would attempt to assist any of the town
healers with his herbalist skills.  While visiting the
apothecary, maybe Enlock would purchase some items
to create a balm to aid the hurt soldiers and townsfolk.

He wanted to spend only a couple of days in Prymp, and
had a lot to do in that time, but he needed to get home to
warn his former tutor, Asheron, and Enlock's family
about the danger that the Herzog presented.  He wanted
to leave as soon as Alex was ready, so he needed to try
to locate his riding horse to make the trip faster.


"Are you quite finished?" Vlad calmly responded,
staring down at the hobniz. "Good, now sit down and
stop creating a scene. It's my turn to say a few things."

Vlad slid into his seat across from Barada and waited for
Peri to climb up next to the big man before continuing,
"First of all, never speak to me in such a manner again.
You impertinent little bastard.  How dare you throw
such accusations and sentiment at me?  I am the *only*
member of this band to have always had nothing in
mind at all times but the best interests of Prymp and the
thousands that live here.  I have saved everyone's lives
on multiple occasions -- including yours -- and you will
show me the respect that I deserve.

"Now..." Vlad's voice had begun to raise, once again
attracting stares from the crowd.  He waited until the
patrons resumed their business and then went on in a
level tone.  "Now, I have never lied to you.  I had to
keep some things from you and I regretted it then, just
as I do now.  But I had no choice.  Not because I have
'Masters,' but because I am a soldier.  And soldiers
have to follow their orders, even if it's not always what
they want.  I'm sure you don't understand this and
probably never will.  Though, it seems your father did
or he would have told you himself where he was going."

This sparked Peri into a tiff, as Vlad knew it would, but
he quickly silenced him.  "Quiet.  You had your chance
to speak and now this is mine."

"Yes, you are treated with distrust at times.  I find it
humorous that this seems odd to you.  You are a thief.
That is your occupation.  You have probably spent the
greater portion of your life stealing.  Do you have any
idea how hard it is for me to have befriended a thief?  I
am a soldier.  My brothers are soldiers.  My father
before me was a soldier.  My entire family has spent
their lives dedicated to upholding the law and protecting
innocents from those who would break it.  Protecting
innocents from people like you.  But I like you Peri. 
You're smart, tough, brave and at times surprisingly self-
sacrificing.  I can sense that there is something more to
you than a common thief.  You have a good soul and I'd
like to think that by joining up with us you can, and
have, change your ways.  Use your talents for good.  I
think you are afforded a great amount of trust,
considering your vocation.  And this trust will only
grow as we continue to journey together.

"As for me not caring about whether or not Prymp
remains free..." Vlad paused for a moment, trying to find
the right words to express the disdain this notion left
with him, "I have spent my entire adult life in service of
Prymp.  I was born here and one day I will raise a family
of my own here. I will die here, an old man, having lived
my whole life for this town.  I love this place more then
you could possibly imagine and would do anything to
protect it.  For you to insinuate that I don't care about
its freedom is not only insulting, but it makes me wonder
if you know even the first thing about me."

Vlad stared icily at Peri for a short time before resuming,
"Hexpools is not our destination.  It will merely be a stop
on our way further south, to the Sud Graufult.  There is
an evil gathering there that must be stopped.  I have told
you all this much, and it is all I know.  Hopefully more
will be revealed to me once we have set forth on our

 "Checking to see if the Herzog's troops went to Skull
Keep is a good idea, but one that does not require our
attention.  Petrok can send some of his men to scout
out the area just as well as we could.  Besides, you need
your rest, remember?"

At this point Vlad stood and began tying his cloak
around his neck as he extolled, "I agree that we should
wait a few days before leaving.  You are right about
letting your wounds heal a bit before we begin traveling.
We shall leave on the third morn from today."  Vlad
dropped a few coins on the table for his meal.  "If you
wish to speak to me again before we leave you know
where to find me, but I am through with you for the

Vlad quickly spun and set off for the door, but stopped
after a few feet.  "One more thing.  And I mean no
offense to you by this Barada, you are the greatest
warrior I've ever seen.  But I will be leading this
excursion."  With those final words he left the Grinning
Gargoyle, not even noticing that he strode right past
Alex and Andel, who had just entered.  They called after
him, but he was too infuriated to notice.  Vlad strode
briskly towards his home.  Though angry as he was, a
small smile crept across his face and his pace eased a bit
as he walked.  He finished the remainder of the short trip
in a peacefully serene stroll.


The morning had came with an unexpected anticipation
for Alexander.  His life had just begun on a path he
chose in service to Zilchus with his blessing.  The Lord
of Honest Trade, Master of Mercantilism had carved out
a place for Alex in his grand piece of Oerth.  Now Alex
had to live up to its challenges.  A knot had formed in
his stomach the night before, as he knew that things
were going to change drastically.

"Well," he thought, "maybe I can relax and get the
family to go out into the city to relax.  I am sure they will
all want to get some fresh air after being cooped up in
the manor all week.  I can't wait to see and talk to them

Then his thoughts turned to other matters.  "Maybe the
Laird will be taking visitors today.  I have to talk to him
today about the band becoming a city guild.  And I
have to speak with Nemis Coraz about Vlad.  I need his
support in this matter.  I know he will understand. 
Coraz counsels the Laird as I need Vlad to counsel me.
Maybe he can give Vlad some direction in this

And then his thoughts turned to still other matters.  "I
wonder if Castellan Kelsey will walk the street with me
today and celebrate the victory and Growfest. I'll go
ask her.  And after that, I have to talk to the innkeeper at
the Grinning Gargoyle.  Maybe he will want to add on to
the inn and make it a guildhall for adventurers...if I get
the Laird to bite on the idea.

"Whatever happened to the Ahlissan Fist?" he
wondered next.  "I have to ask around about them. 
Maybe Nemis or the Laird knows.  And that Gregorus
of Medegia -- I need to know more about his land.  I
need to know more about his role here in the Province. 
Maybe an interrogation is in order.  

"The priests will need the new font soon.  I need to find
out when they want me to leave for Rel Deven.  I think
four days in town should take care of all this.  I will
have to tell Enlock that.  I'll leave a message with Hershel
at the Grinning Gargoyle for him."

Finally, in exasperated relief, Alex walked up the steps to
his life-long home -- Petrok Manor.  He entered quietly,
carrying his armor in a burlap sack over his shoulder,
only to be swiftly greeted by his father's manservant.

"May I take that, sir?"

"Yes, please place it in my room," Alex responded.  "I
trust the family is eating their morning meal?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good.  I shall join them.  Thank you."

With each step, the anxiety which had hounded Alex
all day seeped away like water off a shallow cliff.  His
body began to relax, and his aching muscles began to
quiver.  He stopped for a moment in the gallery to
admire his family's portraits.  His father's portrait hung
proudly at the end of the hall, with another smaller
portrait of his father and mother hanging below it.  His
married older sister had a portrait hanging on the wall,
but Alex and his equally unmarried sister, Dalinda, did
not yet.

Ten years earlier, in the same hall, a young Alex walked
at his father's right side through the gallery, gazing at the
same pictures.

"Father," Alex asked, "when can I get my picture on the

"When you become a man, you will have your portrait
painted by the finest artist in the Province and it will
hang upon this wall next to mine."

"When will that be father?"

Philip Petrok smiled slyly, "When heroic deeds are
accomplished.  Do you think you can accomplish heroic

Alex attempted to stand tall.  "I know so Father.  I know

"Oh really? And who will you do these deeds for?"

"For him," and Alex pointed to a rendering of the Father
of Mercantilsm, Zilchus, which hung on the wall.

"Well, how come you won't do them for your family? 
How come you won't do then for me?"

"Because I see you pray to him everyday.  If he answers
your prayers, then he will answer mine and I will make
the family proud, not just you!"

"How'd you get so smart, boy?  Who taught you these
things?  Is your mother having you butter me up for

"No, Father.  I will make the family proud.  I promise."

Phillip had a curious, but fatherly look on his face. 
"You just do your best son. That'll make me plenty

"Well Father," Alex said aloud as he mulled over these
memories, "I did my best.  I just hope it's enough."

Alex turned away from the portraits and entered the
dining room.


Maldrik planned to return to Estophon, his druid cell
leader, and report the events that had transpired at
Prymp.  After that, he would take the suggestions from
the cell and base his decision on them.  He hoped to
remain in contact with the Band of the Grinning Gargoyle,
for they might be of use in future endeavors.


Alex had not realized how isolated the rest of the family
was during the siege.  Naturally, he and father were
too busy to make trips home and keep people abreast
of the latest news.  Father had still not been back yet.
Apparently the role of Vicarus was demanding even
after a siege has been lifted.

The womenfolk grew more and more awestruck as the
tale became centered around their raid on the Garrison.
Remembering Coraz's warning, Alex did not tell them
about the monster-filled tunnels beneath the town.  He
also found it unpleasant to mention the role of the
divine intervention of Pholtus - not out of any spite
towards the Pholtine Church, but rather because of the
heresy of Andel Mooriv.

Dalinda did not give him awestruck looks.  His youngest
sister, whom he had once forced to share her secret
desire to become a cleric of Pelor, only glared at him with
anger.  Naturally, this only overwhelmed him with
curiousity, but when she excused herself from breakfast
early, his mother insisted he remain - preventing him
from following Dalinda.

The telling and re-telling of facts as he knew them
took most of the morning, but when Franco Katerinov
and his sister that he married showed up and reported
that the defenders had left camp for town and that the
fest was on, it was an easy matter to talk the family into
an outing.

Sure enough, their neighbors in the Wealthy District
had similar ideas, as there was a large picnic going on.
The Laird himself, Seron Tapinov, was there.  The
people around him in ringmail armor Alex guessed
were his personal guards, but the unarmored people
around him included his -- rarely seen in public - wife
and daughter.  Seron, apparently aware of Alex's
involvement in recent events, was all too happy to
speak with him.  In fact, he seemed a little crestfallen
when the conversation turned to business.  He
listened carefully to Alex's explanation of how the
Band of the Grinning Gargoyle should become the
foundation of a regional adventuring guild. He nodded
frequently but remained silent until Alex was done.  He
put his hand on Alex's shoulder and leaned closer to
say, "I understand your proposal, and I thank you for
bringing this to my attention.  Prymp has always been
receptive of new guilds and the new kind of commerce
they bring, but these are tough times as you well know,
and I have been under pressure for months now to
reduce competition and consolidate the guilds. While I
personally agree that an Adventuring Guild would be a
good thing, perhaps you can give some thought to
whether you could exist as a branch of an already
established guild.  The Laborers' Guild, perhaps?  I
understand your own brother-in-law is in good standing
with them…"

And that was the last he was willing to say on the topic
for the day.  He did tell Alex that Nemis Coraz was either
at his private tower, or at Town Hall.  It was at the former
that Alex found him, and Nemis greeted him at the door
with a book in his hands.  He looked to be not in as good
a mood as the Laird had been.

"Ah, Alexander Petrok.  Tell me, have you any idea how
much iron that monster you left in my cellar eats?  No?
Well, neither do I.  It's eaten 20 lbs. of metal already, and
it always seems to be hungry.  Yet it was able to live
down in those caves where I assume it had very little
metal to eat for years.  I wish I had a more comprehensive
bestiary, as I can find no information on the creature.
Most vexing."

And with that, Nemis stopped and let Alex tell him why
he came.  Nemis started to listen to his problems with
Vladamir, but then just shrugged and waved for him to
stop.  "Magic-users command mysterious and mighty
powers, as you well know.  It might be best if you just
gave him what he wants."  He seemed to think that had
settled the matter, and Nemis said nothing more.

The remainder of the afternoon was wasted at Coraz's
tower with no further results.  That meant Alex's stomach
was grumbling for supper when he made his way to
Prymp Keep to inquire about Castellan Kelsey.  He was
escorted to her office, but ran into her on his way
there.  What luck that he had caught her about to go off

Kelsey listened as he, essentially, asked her out on a
date.  She seemed to think it over for a minute, and then
agreed to let him accompany her.


Peri had ignored Vlad's calls to be silent, for he was far
from finished.  Vlad had begun by asking for respect, a
request that only brought laughter from Peri.  "Give you
respect!  For what?  Using your powers and casting
spells.  I hate to break it to you, but that's all your good
for.  The idea that you saved a life is insignificant; any
of us would do it for another.  Only you have no
selfless thoughts about it."  Vlad completely ignored
Peri while he retorted, only continuing on.

Peri became angy when Vlad brought up the subject of
his father, but thought it best to listen when Vlad
continued.  What Vlad next said suprised Peri, to say
the least.  He had said that he liked him, and then began
spewing forward compliments at Peri.  Peri was very
quiet then.  Each word of praise was like adding fuel to
an already growing fire.  That fire was Peri's growing
megalomania.  Vlad then began rattling on about
serving Prymp and someday wanting to die, and blah,
blah, blah.  Peri wasn't really listening at that point,
having noticed a very fine looking female patron. 
The kind that could steal a man's heart away with a
casual glance and a smile.  She had short red hair.  Her
smooth skin was tanned and her lips were as red as a
rose.  Her breasts were...ahhhhhh. 

Vlad stood up from the table and blocked Peri's view. 
The hobniz lost sight of the evening's entertainment,
and resigned himself to listening to Vlad once again.
When Vlad was done, he threw some coins on the
table for his supper.  Before leaving, he turned to tell
Peri how he planned to lead the mission to Hexpools.
Peri breathed a sigh of relief that Vlad hadn't noticed
his coins were already missing from the table.  But
then, it was Vlad who insisted that Peri was and is a
thief, so he'd better get used to it.

Peri looked over to Barada, unconscious on the table
with six empty glasses before him.  Peri leaned over to
Barada and whispered to him, "you are my only friend."
Straightening back up, Peri began his visual search for
the beautiful woman who so casually graced his eyes
only a few moments ago.  But all hope was dashed
when Alexander Petrok came into view.  The strong,
noble templar was being followed by the priest of
Pholtus, Andel.  And Alex had an armored woman on
his arm!  The lucky devil...maybe he would have to see
if his natural hobniz charm could win her away from him
for the night...


Andel chose a table where he could sit alone and weigh
his options. There were many reasons to leave the Band
of the Grinning Gargoyle, but with every reason he
could find against the group, another issue beckoned
him to stay.  The Band had done much to avert the
danger to Prymp and its residents.  As much as it
panged him to be near the pig-headed blasphemous
heretic scum (and not to mention Ziltchusite) Alexander
Petrok, the party did not seem like a lost cause.  The
"true" leader, Vladamir Kostitov, worshipped Pholtus
and the One True Path (amen). 

"Could I really be doing anything wrong?  Pholtus' angel
swayed the fight in our favor!"  After that encounter, and
the slaying of the three-armed Hextorite, it came to Andel
to think of the citadel of filth where Gregorous had
practiced his unholy rituals to his false god.  Such a place
should be cleared of all evil, and then blessed to prevent
the rising of another such evil. 

"My training can wait, if the party can be swayed to this
quest."  He had to speak to Vlad at once to ascertain the
possibility of this and, if not, at least request a portion of
the party's funds to continue his training.  Oh, and
Zilchus would pay for "healing" Andel....As Andel had
plans for glory and the rising of the One True Path
beyond any mortal dreams.  And if these goals were
completed, Zilchus would be less than a footnote in the
great book of history in the years to come...


Andel came to Vladamir and asked him to come with and
crush the Hextorites.  Vlad simply reminded him that the
plan was to meet in Hexpools in five weeks time.  Vlad's
uncle, Boris, lived there.  Boris was an illusionist as well,
and Vlad planned to stay with him. 

"Well, actually I'll be further south than Hexpools," Vlad
amended, "but I will return there when the five weeks
have passed."


Later, Andel strode into the clearing where the druid had
said to meet.  Maldrik was there already, grasping his oak
shod staff-sling with confidence.  The two had discussed
before in the Grinning Gargoyle the possiblity of
traveling together.  But many details needed to be
addressed.  Andel was worried (and expressed it openly)
that he would not have enough gold to train properly
through the church.  But he felt also that the evil citadel
was of a higher priority than his training.  Time was of
the essence, as more evil may soon flock to this location. 
Andel explained to Maldrik that this foul building was a
cancer -- nay a pox -- upon the very land it rested upon. 
Maldrik was expressedly concerned with the balance of
the rest of the party and did not want to loose sight of
other key members.  Andel then explained with an oath
to Pholtus that he would seek out the rest of his
comrades after the citadel and training.  Maldrik was
worried that this would take too long, but after much
discussion it was agreed that he would at least stay until
the citadel was cleared, since this was the best way for
him to effectively judge the party's morality.  Both came
to agreement that traveling the roads alone at this
chaotic time was a definite mistake and with that they
made plans to leave in the near future.


Barada, weary after his less than heroic but not quite
unglorious undertaking in the recent battle for Prymp,
was longing for a little stability and routine in his life. 
While he felts he had learned a great deal about
swordsmanship and the way of the warrior, he also knew
he lacked discipline and poise in battle.  Barada set out
to find a worthy master to help hone his raw skills into
finely honed talent.  And what better place than his
current home base of Prymp....

Certainly he could find work as a merc on a train to
Hexpools to meet his companions, and the time apart
might do him some good.  The constant bickering of the
rest of the party wore heavy on the stoic Barada -- man
of few words and subtle action.  The chance to get his
thoughts and skills in order might be just what the gods
had been hoping he would do, that he become a better

"Now, to find a worthy teacher," he thought.  "Best not
to look in the bars and brothels the party so favors!"


In the aftermath of the siege, it was a great relief for
Enlock to see the Herzog move to the west, away from
his boy-hood home of Rel Deven.  Still, he felt the need
to warn the powers that be at Rel Deven about the
threat that the Herzog presented.  Also, he was now
sure that Alex would need a guide to keep him out of
trouble during his journey to Rel Deven.  Without Vlad
to counteract Alex's over-inflated ego, Enlock doubted
that Alex would make it back for the reunion in Hexpools. 
Meanwhile, Enlock intended to spend a few days helping
the people recover from their losses before starting his
return journey.  After the battle, there were a lot of
wounds to mend and bodies to bury.

The message he sent to his mentor, Asheron, was sent
via the band's recently hired errand boy.  However, there
was no sure way to know that the message was received
unless Enlock returned home.  With Asheron's influence
in Rel Deven, he should be able to rally support for the
city's defense.  Also, Asheron would be proud to see
how much Enlock's arcane skills had improved since
leaving his apprenticeship.  Asheron thought that Enlock
was not ready to live the life of the adventurer.  Of course,
Asheron had always been over protective of all of his

If Asheron did receive the message, he probably informed
Enlock's family of his situation in Prymp.  "The last thing
they needed was to worry," Enlock thought.  "Since my
father's death, they have had a difficult time with the shop.
My older brother, Kerick, barely started his training for the
career as a metal worker.  Had has a great teacher.  My
father could turn a block of steel into a fine sword faster
than anyone in Rel Deven.  However, Kerick is far from
skilled enough to produce enough to maintain a family. I
opted for the academic life.  Being the runt of the family, I
found it nearly impossible to swing that hammer day in
and day out.  Mom resents me for deserting the family,
as she puts it.  She never understood why I rejected the
family business.  Maybe she will resent me less after
she sees how the profits of adventuring will feed the
Nightshade family.  At least until Kerick can catch up to
the skill our father had...if he ever will.  Perhaps I could
convince my brother to give up the mundane life of the
shop and take up adventuring with me..."


Growfest, Day 3. Moonday.

By this day, both markets were open again, and almost
all the remaining shops and taverns opened on time.  It
was almost like a normal day in Prymp from a month
ago, save for the permanent damage and the long list of
the dead.  Still, alcohol has a powerful way of making
people forget their worries, and half the people of Prymp,
it seemed, were drunk off their gourds today.

Criers patrolled the town streets throughout the morning,
proclaiming that an amazing event was going to occur
that afternoon in the Dock District.  Since everyone knew
the Dock District was no more, this naturally inspired
much curiosity.


Alex had been in search of the Laird or Coraz all
morning, but only caught  up with them in the
afternoon.  Apparently, they were both involved in the
"big event" being heralded all over town.  Alex found
both of them surrounded by two dozen watchmen in
New Market.  The watchmen were unarmored and
armed with wooden sticks.  Between the lot of them
was the captured rust monster.  There was a curious
crowd of citizens all around, trying to get a look at this
strange creature.

Seron Tapinov made a short speech about how this
creature has been brought into town to clean up the
debris of the Dock District so that the rebuilding could
start.  The watchmen lured the beast out into the
rubble and let it loose.  It ran about, plowing wooden
debris out of its way as it looked for metal to rust.  It
stopped to inhale the small mounds of rust it made.

"We have the area blocked off, and we doubt it will
wander far as long as there might be food here,"
Tapinov explained to Alex shortly.  "Now, what else
were you saying about this guild?"


Since Alex was still unready to head east, and was talking
about establishing an adventuring guild, that gave Enlock
time to pursue his new plans.  Besides, while helping the
wounded and ill at the hospital camp may be a good thing
to do, it's awfully depressing.

After a hearty thank you from some healers at the
hospital, Enlock left to tour the New City for a potential
home.  North of the New Market, there was no end of
room for new building, once the wreckage of the Dock
District had been cleared away.  South of the New
Market was the Tannery District.  Enlock could see
several one-story wooden homes which appeared
abandoned, but the distinctive odor of the district
reduced their appeal.  On the other side of town was the
Warehouse District, not known for its housing potential. 
Still, a converted warehouse offered potential…

With his tour of the New City over, it was time to study
the Old.  Thank the gods that the Old City was no longer
closed off!  The Wealthy District was the most appealing
area, with its two-story brick buildings and spacious
lawns, but that might be beyond even the treasure hoard
of the Grinning Gargoyle Band.  Moving south towards
the eponymous inn, there were some choice possibilities.
The buildings were still one-story and wooden, but larger.
He managed to find something by suppertime in the far
southwest corner of the Old City, which looked both
comfortable and vacant.  He considered asking the
neighbors about it, but decided to go to Town Hall first.
He could just demand it from them.  The town certainly
owed him that much.  Perhaps he should mention that to
Nemis after supper...

Supper anywhere but the Grinning Gargoyle Inn just
wouldn't feel right, and so he wound up briefly in the
company of about half his teammates.  This was a good
chance to catch up with their plans, and maybe to find
out why no one had left yet.

After supper, he headed to Nemis' tower to talk to him,
but found it unoccupied.  Trying Town Hall, he found
out that Nemis Coraz was there speaking with Philip
Petrok and couldn't be disturbed -- though he was free
to wait.  Later that evening, in the almost deserted hall,
Coraz did speak with Enlock at some length…


The previous evening, despite the itch from some
healing wounds, Peri returned to the Green Grove
Hostel where he had began staying, and gave three
ladies of the street employment to satisfy a different
itch.  After the women had earned their fees, they
begged not to be sent away!  As it turned out, the
house of ill repute they had all called home had been
burnt down with the rest of the Dock District, and they
needed a place to stay.

"With the happiness that you provide I do not see
how I could kick you out into the street," Peri replied. 
"But in two days I leave the city, so by then you need
to find room and board elsewhere."  Peri gave each of
the girls an electrum noble, remarking that the money
needed to last until the fifth, and if they were smart,
even later.  Peri then sent the girls on their way,
informing the hostelkeeper that they could return to
the room that night but none other.  Peri felt that the
girls would be well taken care of.  After all, they each
had an electrum noble of their own and a mithiril
throne to split between them!

Peri gathered up all his belongings and made a short
trip to his sister's house, which was on his way to the
chapel of Fharlanghn.  He was able to enter the vacant
home with a spare key he had made several months ago.
Once he was confident the house had not been looted
or occupied during his or his sister's absence, he hid his
excess belongings in a secret cubby hole that Peri had
discovered long ago as a child.  It took some time for
Peri to remember where exactly the cubby hole was, but
in a short time all was set and Peri was again on his way
to the chapel of Fharlanghn.


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