[This is from the house rules I wrote for my 1st ed. AD&D City of Greyhawk campaign, back around 1989.]
To allow more variety in the thief class, the thieves' skills have been expanded upon to include the following: tightrope walking, pole vaulting, high jumping, broad jumping, tumbling, falling, street fighting, street smart, forgery, and disguise. The 1st level thief still starts out with 7 skills, but chooses which 7 they will be; thus allowing for custom-made thief kits.
Thief Function Table--Expansion (Plus Racial Modifiers)
Level ---- Read ------ Tightrope - Pole ----- High
of Thief - Languages - Walking --- Vaulting - Jumping
1 -------- 05% ------- 50% ------- 6 1/2' --- 2 3/4'
2 -------- 10% ------- 55% ------- 7' ------- 3'
3 -------- 15% ------- 60% ------- 7' 1/2' -- 3 1/4'
4 -------- 20% ------- 65% ------- 8' ------- 3 1/2'
5 -------- 25% ------- 70% ------- 8 1/2' --- 3 3/4'
6 -------- 30% ------- 75% ------- 9' ------- 4'
Level ---- Broad ---- Tumbling --- Falling -- Street --- Street
of Thief - Jumping --------------- ---------- Fighting - Smart
1 -------- 6 1/2' --- 05% -------- 20%/10' -- 1% ------- 05%
2 -------- 7' ------- 10% -------- 50%/10' -- 2% ------- 10%
3 -------- 7 1/2' --- 15% -------- 90%/10' -- 3% ------- 15%
4 -------- 8' ------- 20% -------- 30%/20' -- 4% ------- 20%
5 -------- 8 1/2' --- 25% -------- 70%/20' -- 5% ------- 25%
6 -------- 9' ------- 31% -------- 10%/30' -- 6% ------- 30%
7 -------- 9 1/4' --- 37% -------- 30%/30' -- 7% ------- 35%
8 -------- 9 1/2' --- 43% -------- 60%/30' -- 8% ------- 40%
9 -------- 9 3/4' --- 49% -------- 100%/30' - 9% ------- 45%
10 ------- 10' ------ 55% -------- 40%/40' -- 10% ------ 50%
11 ------- 10 1/4' -- 61% -------- 90%/40' -- 11% ------ 55%
12 ------- 10 1/2' -- 67% -------- 30%/50' -- 12% ------ 60%
Level ---- Forgery - Disguise
of Thief
1 -------- 30% ----- 15%
2 -------- 35% ----- 20%
3 -------- 40% ----- 25%
4 -------- 45% ----- 30%
5 -------- 51% ----- 36%
6 -------- 57% ----- 42%
Race of - Tightrope - Pole ----- High ---- Broad
Thief --- Walking --- Vaulting - Jumping - Jumping
Dwarf --- -10% ------ -2' ------ -2' ----- -2'
Elf ----- +5% ------- no mod. -- no mod. - no mod.
Gnome --- -5% ------- -2' ------ -2' ----- -2'
Half-elf no mod. --- no mod. -- no mod. - no mod.
Half-orc no mod. --- no mod. -- no mod. - no mod.
Halfling +10% ------ -1' ------ -1' ----- -1'
Hobgoblin no mod. --- no mod. -- no mod. - no mod.
[-The tumbling skill is a percent chance to make one attack that would otherwise have hit miss, limited to one hit per round.
-The falling skill is a percent chance to fall up to that far without taking any damage.
- The street fighting skill is a bonus to chance of knockout in unarmed combat.
- The street smart skill (which was very popular in the urban campaign) is a chance of evading a rolled wandering city encounter before it happens.]
Greyhawkery Comics: Cultists #9
13 hours ago
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