Monday, April 13, 2020

Marvel 1967 Reimagined - pt. 5

The Mighty Thor #141
“Who Is…Replicus?”
Dr. Chung is working to find a means to destroy Thor, and he does it with the financial backing of the Maffia, “Slugger” Sykes reminds him. Slugger amuses himself by beating up one of Chuda's replicas that was designed to resemble Thor. After the demonstration, Dr. Chung shows Slugger his latest invention: Replicus, an android that can adapt to any situation and can hypothetically defeat Thor in battle. Chung activates the android.

Elsewhere in NYC, Dr. Donald Blake calls on the flower shop of “Granny” Gardiner, a shop he knows Jane Foster frequents often, though Granny tells him she has not seen her in weeks. Don mopes because Jane is still avoiding him -- indeed, seems to have disappeared -- since rejecting godhood to be with Thor. He is brought out of his moping when Slugger Sykes visits Granny. Although Blake recognizes Slugger's name, Granny seems completely oblivious to Slugger's true vocation.

Thereafter begins a series of crimes by Sykes, who sends out Replicus to do all the dirty work. But Thor isn’t interested in stopping bank robberies; he tracks Sykes down to his lair to see if he knows anything about Jane Foster’s disappearance. Sykes can’t believe his luck when Thor shows up and sics Replicus on him. Thor finds to his surprise that the robot can adapt to any situation and exhibits new powers to counter act any attack that Thor throws at it.

As the battle rages on, Dr. Chung happens to mention in earshot of Sykes that if Replicus destroys Thor, that Chung can use it to conquer. Skyes suspects a double-cross is coming and kills Chung, accidentally catching himself in the explosion of Chung’s android control machines. And all for nothing, because Thor has already overwhlemed Replicus and rendered him inert.

Script:  Scott Casper
Pencils:  Jack Kirby
Inks:  Vince Colletta
The Amazing Spider-Man #49
“Against All Odds!”
Having lost the Drago Vulture, Spider-Man returns to his apartment. To keep up appearances, he pretends to still be sick with a cold in front of his roommate Harry, even though he’s starting to feel better already. The next day, Harry has already blabbed to everyone that Peter is still sick and his Aunt May comes around to tend to him.

Meanwhile, Kraven is becoming jealous of the Vulture’s growing reputation and beats up a tiger to feel better about himself. Drago-Vulture commits another robbery, but Kraven is on his trail now.

Later, Gwen and Mary Jane come by to find May Parker and Anna Watson are still at the apartment, thinking they have tended to a sick Peter all day and made him skip classes. Harry answers the phone when the Daily Bugle calls for Peter, getting Peter out of talking to them. But Gwen checks Peter’s forehead and catches him in his lie. She wants answers, but he gives her half-truths about how his fever just broke and he’s still not back to full strength. Harry takes the girls out on a date, leaving Peter to ponder when he’ll tell Gwen everything.

Kraven and the Vulture finally spar, but their fight is observed and Spider-Man swings into action when he hears where. He intervenes in their fight and uses their inability to work together against them. Kraven accidentally tranquilizes the Vulture, and then falls to Spider-Man one-on-one. Before leaving them for the police, he considers taking photos for the Bugle, but decides against it. He’s had enough of J.J. Jameson and snapping photos for him.

Script:  Scott Casper
Pencils:  John Romita
Inks:  Steve Ditko

Invincible Iron Man #2
“The Golden Ghost”
The Six Day War has started and Iron Man is still in the thick of it. After Israel’s surprise attack on Egypt, Iron Man wants nothing to do with fighting alongside Israel anymore -- but he is concerned about the Melter cooperating with Syria and has finally pursued the Melter into Syria, after lengthy discussions with the U.S. State Department and even SHIELD about if he should. To get him in and out quickly, SHIELD had shared some intelligence as to what base he can find the Melter at. Iron Man has to storm a Syrian military base and defeat the Melter before learning that the Melter has already shared a weaker version of his melting ray with the Syrian Army and they plan on using it in a series of raids on Israel, along with Syria’s defender, the Golden Soldier.

Iron Man settles for destroying the Melter’s set-up, where he could manufacture more melting weapons, before flying back into Israel to help thwart the raids. There he encounters the Golden Soldier -- which looks just like Iron Man’s first suit! Iron Man beats the fake Iron Man, unmasks him, and the Russian operative inside confesses to being tasked with aiding Syria. Iron Man has had enough with international politics and warfare and vows to return home and put his own house in order.  

Plot:  Scott Casper
Script:  Stan Lee
Pencils:  Gene Colan
Inks:  Wallace Wood

July 1967

Fantastic Four #64
“The Sentry Sinister”
Three weeks have passed. Ben is with his girlfriend, Alicia, being asked how he feels about the Sub-Mariner now. They recall what he had asked weeks ago, about joining the FF. Ben recalls how Spider-Man had once shown up asking the same thing, but he doesn’t want to talk about FF stuff, he wants to take Alicia out on the town.

Johnny and Crystal’s relationship is heating up again. Johnny -- who asks Crystal to start calling him John (“I’m not a kid anymore”) -- has taken a consultation job with an airplane company. He admits it’s largely figurehead work, but he wanted to be his own man before asking Crystal to go steady with him. She isn’t sure what that means, but says yes. She’s glad to stay in New York with him, even though Lockjaw has gone back to Attilan.

Reed and Sue are on vacation in the South Pacific. Reed is talking about how Blastaar was an outcast from his people and wonders if that could have happened on their world to Ben without his friends. Sue is sympathetic, but changes the subject to talking about quitting the FF. When they learn about a giant robot sighting on a nearby island, Sue puts the discussion on hold and they agree to go check it out.

On the island, they first meet the pair of explorers who uncovered the robot’s secret underground bunker. At that very moment, the Sentry has emerged from his bunker and activated a device that puts a protective screen around the island that will destroy any intruders.

Script:  Scott Casper
Pencils: Jack Kirby
Inks:  Joe Sinnott

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