[Take 2, from the same rules tinkering project]
Cleric. Those who pursue power through faith are clerics. These are fighting men who have sworn special oaths to the gods, which in turn allows them to call on the power of the gods. This power may be manifested in spell-like miracles or control over the undead, for the undead are sensitive to divine power.
Wisdom is the prime requisite for clerics and they gain benefits for having high Wisdom scores. The demi-human races may be clerics, but require twice times as much XP as shown below to advance in level.
Clerics may wear any type of armor, employ shields, and can use any weapons except for “technology” weapons (bows, crossbows, gunpowder weapons, and slings).
When attacking the undead, Lawful clerics roll 1d6 per level for damage, in addition to normal weapon damage. So, a 1st level cleric attacking skeletal undead with a club will do 2d6 damage. A 2nd level cleric attacking a shambling corpse with his bare hand does 3-14 damage (1-2 for the fist plus 2d6 for his level). Further, starting at 2nd level, clerics can do extra damage to undead at range, with or without missile weapons. A 2nd level cleric can do extra damage, as above, at a range of 10 ft. A 3rd level cleric can do extra damage at a range of 20 ft., and so on in 10 ft. increments. A cleric can, at 2nd level or higher, split the extra damage between multiple undead, so if the first undead monster is brought down to 0 hp, the cleric can attack a second undead monster with the remaining points. If the cleric is Neutral, undead suffer no additional damage, but cannot attack anyone on a round that the cleric is “attacking” them (a number of undead equal to the level of the cleric). The Neutral cleric does not have to be damaging the undead, but simply concentrating on them. If the cleric is Chaotic, the cleric gets extra dice of damage as above, but this is subdual damage only. Once the undead is subdued, it will obey the Chaotic clerics’ commands for one round per level of the cleric.
Although most clerics do not begin gaining the ability to invoke miraculous aid until they become acolytes, bonus spells gained by high Wisdom can be gained as early as 1st level. Technically, there is little game mechanic difference between miracles and magic spells, but clerics invoke their miracles differently. The cleric must only be able to speak out loud and give a short speech beseeching divine aid. There will always be some manifestation of presence associated with the spell. For first level spells, this could be a dim glow, a moving shadow, or a startling breeze.
It is through the structure of the organized church that the cleric is taught the mysteries of the clergy, and their powers come from invoking the names associated with their faith. At low levels, clerics can invoke the powers of the church patriarchs, like Milula; local gods, like Raglala of the Whitewood; minor divinities, such as the angel Ulnemne; high prophets of the church, such as Anna Lagnemne; or demigods, such as Izapisne, Izumud, and Rudemne.
Level Level Title Experience Points Hit Dice Fights As Spells
1 Exorcist 0-1,500 1d6 F1 (d6) 0
2 Acolyte 1,501-3,000 2d6 F1 (d6) 1 1st level
3 Subdeacon 3,001-6,000 3d6 F1 (d6) 2 1st level
Greyhawkery Comics: Cultists #9
12 hours ago
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