[Continuing the D&D rules tinkering of the previous post.]
Those who pursue power through force are fighters. The unwilling, conscripted serf. The civic-minded villager just hoping to protect his village. The fighting man (or woman) who wishes to ascend through the ranks of a great army to the heights of secular power. Along the way, these fighters will become formidable warriors, impressive leaders, controllers of land, and wielders of authority. Fighters are assumed to move up a strict chain of command, gaining higher ranks as they rise in experience.
Strength is the prime requisite for fighters and they gain benefits for having high Strength scores (See Ability Scores).
All races have fighters who advance evenly at lower levels (demi-humans of officer ranks or higher will begin to advance more slowly).
Fighters can use any weapon or any armor. However, when in civilized areas or with their units, they are expected to use weapons and wear armor appropriate for their rank. An infantryman, for example, can wear platemail armor that he finds in a dungeon, but may be penalized for insubordination by his commanding officers if he returns to camp wearing it.
As fighters advance in level, they become more experienced at commanding others. This is nonmagical coercion, and only works on NPCs. NPC fighters receive a CHA-based saving throw when not in on an open battlefield (See Saving Throws). Fighters can be commanded to fight or perform other duties befitting a soldier, but are still subject to morale rolls. A fighter can use this ability only once per week of game time, though a higher-level fighter can automatically counteract the orders issued by a lower level fighter.
Level One
Title: Hastat XP: 0-1,750
HD: 1d8 Fights As: 1st level
Special Abilities: Hastati can request to be supplied with small shields or javelins, as needed, at any time.
Limitations: The hastati cannot leave their base unless at war, transferred, or on special missions. Hastati are expected to wear no armor but shields and only throw javelins in warfare (but suffer no such restrictions on special assignments).
Obligations: The hastati serve as light, front rank infantry. They are expected to fight in centuries, units of 100. A hastat is answerable to every officer in his century, which is overseen by a prior (senior) centurion.
Level Two
Title: Principe XP: 1,751-3,500
HD: +1d8 Fights As: 2nd level
Special Abilities: As hastati, except
Command up to 2 levels of fighters for 2 rounds.
If firing a bow, principes may fire two arrows per round.
Principes can request the use of a pack mule, as well as being supplied with padded armor, small or medium shields, javelins, or short swords as needed.
Limitations: Cannot leave base unless at war, transferred, on special missions, or one week's leave for the year.
Obligations: Principes are second rank infantry. They typically fight in six coordinated contubernia (48 soldiers in total), commanded by an optio (junior) centurion.
Level Three
Title: Triari XP: 3,501-5,500
HD: +1d8 Fights As: 3rd level
Special Abilities: As principes, except
Command up to 4 levels of fighters for 4 rounds.
Attack twice per round with a bow on foot, or once from horseback.
Charge on horseback into melee (no attack bonus, but move at horse’s speed).
After attacking with a short or medium-length melee weapon, triarii may attack again at the end of the same round, against the same target, with a punch or a trip (see Combat, Unarmed).
Triarii can request the use of a riding pony, as well as being supplied with up to leather armor, any sized shield, helms, javelins, short swords, or spears as needed.
Limitations: Cannot leave base unless at war, transferred, on special missions, or two week's leave for the year.
Obligations: Triarii are third rank infantry. They typically fight in three coordinated contubernia (24 soldiers in total), supervised by an optio centurion.
Level Four
Title: Cavalry XP: 5,501-8,000
HD: +1d8 Fights As: 4th level
Special Abilities: As triarii, except
Command up to 8 levels of fighters for 8 rounds.
Fire three arrows per round with a bow on foot or two arrows per round on horseback.
Throw a second dart or javelin at the end of the round if on foot.
Charge on horseback into melee (double damage with piercing weapon, plus trample attack for 1d6 damage).
Cavalrymen can request the use of a light warhorse, as well as being supplied with armor up to heavy chainmail, any shield, helms, and any weapon as needed.
Limitations: Cannot leave base unless at war, transferred, on special missions, or four week's leave for the year.
Obligations: Cavalrymen ride in small groups of one contubern (8 soldiers). They are led by a decurion (cavalry officer).
Sub-Class: Barbarian
These primitive warriors advance just like the fighter, and share the same advantages (they command other barbarians instead of fighters). They suffer none of the limitations and obligations of the fighter, but do have three special disadvantages. They command troops as if two levels lower than a fighter and can only command other barbarians. They can never keep more treasure/gear than they can carry. They shun magic and will avoid melee with magic-using/enchanted beings and refuse even beneficial magical aid -- in both cases unless a special saving throw is made (roll level or less on 1d12, see also Saving Throws).
Greyhawkery Comics: Cultists #9
15 hours ago
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