The idea came up on my Facebook profile recently, could you run a D&D campaign using the Marvel Super Heroes (1984) rules? I've begun a project that may not amount to anything, but I wanted to see if I could find a middle ground between the MSH rules and the 1st ed. AD&D rules. Below is a rough draft of what the character creation rules might be in this mash-up.
Ability Scores: Roll 1d20+1d12 for each score. Keep that number as the value of that score for determining health and karma, but for the universal table determine each score’s column as follows –
2. Feeble
3-4. Poor
5-7. Typical
8-15. Good
16-25. Excellent
27+ Remarkable
D&D Equivalents:
Feeble Non-combatant
Poor 1st level Magic-User
Typical Most 1st level PCs
Good 1-2nd level Fighters
Excellent 3-4th level Fighters
Remarkable 5-6th level Fighters
Feeble DEX 3-4
Poor DEX 5-7
Typical DEX 8-10
Good DEX 11-15
Excellent DEX 16-17
Remarkable DEX 18-19
Feeble STR 3-6
Poor STR 7-12
Typical STR 13-18
Good STR 18/01-75
Excellent STR 18/76-99
Remarkable STR 18/00-19
Feeble Giant centipede
Poor Giant rat
Typical Human
Good Orc
Excellent Gnoll
Remarkable Ogre
Resources: Roll 1d20+1d12 and keep this roll to determine Resources rank. Multiple this number by 10 for starting gp. Resource rank helps determine the eligibility of an item as follows –
Up to 5 gp. Feeble
5-10 gp. Poor
11-20 gp. Typical
21-50 gp. Good
51-100 gp. Excellent
101-500 gp. Remarkable
Popularity: Roll 1d8 for starting Popularity, but otherwise treating as above scores in terms of treating it both as numerical value and for assigning column value.
Powers: Every character gets to start with 1-4 powers, determined by a random 1d4 roll. Roll 1d20+1d12 for score of each power and treat as ability scores above.
First Level Powers
Fighter Powers (cannot be combined with Magic-User Powers):
Archery (double attacks at range)
Body Armor (Leather = Feeble
Leather & shield = Poor
Chain = Typical
Chain & shield = Good
Platemail = Excellent
Platemail & shield = Remarkable
Martial Weapons (+1 CS damage, can get kill results)*
*Fighter Powers are the exception to the 1-3 powers limit, as the other powers can be purchased using Resources and gp at any time
Magic-User Powers (cannot be combined with Fighter Powers):
Fire Control
Light Control
Detect Magic
Hold Portals
Read Anything
Protection from Evil (-2 CS to be hit)
Mind Control (1 person only)
Induce Sleep (opposed Psyche FEAT rolls vs. up to 16 targets)**
Magic-User Powers, once used, cannot be used again for 10 minutes
Cleric Powers (cannot be combined with Thief Powers):
Undead Turning (Skeletons = Psyche opposed FEAT vs. Poor
Zombies = Typical
Ghouls = Good
Wights = Excellent
Wraiths = Remarkable
Mummies = Incredible)
Thieves Powers (cannot be combined with Cleric Powers):
Open Locks
Find/Remove Traps
Hear Noise
Move Silently
Pick Pockets
Hide in Shadows
Climb Walls
Backstab (requires surprise or Move Silently first, then +4 CS to hit and double damage)
Dwarf Powers:
Resistance to Poison
Stonework Awareness
Elf Powers:
Combine Fighter and Magic-User Powers
Greyhawkery Comics: Cultists #9
12 hours ago
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