Vol. 3, No. 2 (June 2000)
In real time, the campaign has just ended Year 2. I thought some reminiscing was in order.
Skull Keep remains a recurring motif, and it's good to see that the conventional dungeon crawl is not too old-fashioned for the boys. We'll see if Year 3 sees them returning for more, as I do have two levels left designed and unexplored.
Then there was the first big quest adventure -- a trip across the coast to stop the pirates. Most unfortunate that it didn't work out, yet that was the first use of a module which was too tough for the PCs. It also introduced the reoccurring theme of lycanthropy to the campaign, much to the chagrin of my players. Perhaps someday we'll get into why that's important.
The Dream Garden just had to go into my campaign as soon as I read about it in the comicbook THIEVES & KINGS. And I'm proud to say that my library now has two volumes of that title in its collection, on my recommendation. The NPCs in the Garden are my least original. Shadella is based on a character from the comicbook, and Pilf is...Flip, from Little Nemo in Slumberland. I have always been disappointed that none of my players picked up on that.
It's been awhile now since I've gotten feedback. I've been trying to solicit information from my players as to whether we should adapt any new rules, particularly the upcoming 3rd ed. rules. It seems that no one wants to change anything. Personally, I'm willing to consider adopting the THAC10 system, and am always willing to consider any replacement to my current Initiative system. Perhaps one of our lurkers has a favorite to recommend?
Last point of order is a much-belated congratulations to one of our lurkers who got his second article published in DRAGON #271 (putting him one up on me!). Congratulations, Noel. Maybe my PCs will be wining and dining better from now on!
Continuing Chapter Two: Curse and Siege
Enlock, Neutral Good male Oerdian apprentice (1st level magic-user).
Barada, Neutral male Flannish human mercenary (1st level fighter).
Alexander Petrok, Lawful Neutral male Oerdian human templar of Zilchus (1st level paladin variant).
Perpegilliam Brown, (Chaotic) Neutral male Hairfoot Hobniz cutpurse (3rd level thief).
Andel Mooriv, Lawful Good male Oerdian acolyte (1st level cleric of Pholtus).
Gabriel Lanovastorm, Mentherim-Dwur ("Common Hill") veteran (1st level fighter).
Vladamir Kostitov, Lawful Good male Oerdian human minor trickster and agent of Prymp's Laird (2nd level illusionist).
Hristo, Neutral Good male Wesevud ("Central") Noniz ex-town watchman and rogue (1st level fighter/1st level thief).
and re-introducing: Dargog, Neutral male Blu-Jebline rogue (1st level PC).
Setting: Prymp, Ahlissan Plains, Vecheld Gesto.
Coldeven 18, 581 CY. Godsday.
Dargog had been loitering around town for some time now, since the Band of the Grinning Gargoyle abandoned him in town while they went on their quest against the pirates of Galdol. He spent most of his days at the Grinning Gargoyle Tavern getting drunk and sleeping it off in Hershel's back room. Today, Dargog was out on the streets -- and that was his mistake. Identified as a hobgoblin, a crowd assumed he was a Provinicial spy, and Dargog was soon being dragged through the mud by his heels towards Prymp Keep.
The return trip to town was uneventful for the Band, and the same refugee camp remained south of town. Enlock and Vlad went to see the Laird and Town Hall. They received an audience with his advisor, Nemis Coraz. The situation had not changed since they left, save that the predecessors of the Band of the Gargoyle, the Ahlissan Fist, had returned. As if to emphasize that fact, the room was entered by Trant
Eldrev -- leader of the Ahlissan Fist. This loud-voiced man in platemail armor introduced himself as a battle-vicar of Heironeous, and explained that the Ahlissan Fist had met defeat at the Citadel by the Thelwood. It had been an easy time of fighting kobolds until they had run into an ambush led by a three-armed priest of Hextor named Gregorus. Now the Ahlissan Fist was back in town to recuperate, but they pledged themselves to the defense of Prymp. Trant promised to coordinate efforts with the Grinning Gargoyle Band, and to discuss plans over dinner at the latter's namesake tavern.
Alexander made directly for Prymp Keep, as he was confident that it was now time for him to train under his father again. Before speaking to Philip Petrok -- Captain of the Watch and Head Templar to the Church of Zilchus -- Alex was stopped by Jerwon Charik, Baliff of the Watch. Jerwon had some important matters to discuss with Alex, and led Alex into the dungeon under the keep. The first matter was that he wanted to know how long he was going to have to divert men to guarding a cell with a turtle in it. Alex knew few details about the dragon-like creature Vlad had changed into a turtle with his wand, but he recommended it be destroyed. The second matter was a new prisoner, a hobgoblin who claimed to be a member of Alex's adventuring party.
Before leaving town hall, Enlock stopped Nemis Coraz and asked a boon of the wizened mage. Enlock wished to become his apprentice. All were shocked, but Coraz mulled it over and told Enlock to come to his tower that evening to discuss the matter.
Dargog loved life in his cell, and when someone named Abrev started calling to him from the neighboring cell about plans of escape, Dargog called to a guard to make him stop. It was not much longer before his rest was interrupted again, but this time by Alex who had him released into his care. Alex dropped him off at the Grinning Gargoyle Inn so Vlad could give him the details on his mission. Alex would be busy for the next few days training. The mission was to head south and spy on the Provincial Army which was
beseiging Vecheld Gesto. This village, just a day's travel south of town, was the seat of power for the region, and its loss would be devastating.
After sending Dargog on his way, Vlad left the Old City for the Warehouse District and Gemanov's Pawnshop. The fat, swarthy proprietor was as amiable as ever, but the 400 gold Ivids he asked for in exchange for a map of the area around Hexpools seemed excessive to Vlad. Luckily, the party was nowhere near out of funds. There was the writ from the Laird which was covering most of their expenses.
There was some leftover treasure from the pirate ships, including the gold they had received from Stojko
Goldmund, Hristo's father, for some gems. However, Vlad chose to spend some time considering Gemanov's price.
It started to rain later that morning as Alex began training with his father, Philip. On the chapel grounds, they went over combat techniques with wooden swords, and then with sword and dagger. In the afternoon, Philip had a quintain set up for Alex to practice on. Alex performed admirably, almost defiantly fighting against his father.
Hristo was bedridden at his father's home, in the "Barrows" -- underground homes west of Prymp Keep. His father, Stojko, stood by him, and spoke to him with warm, friendly words which were unfamiliar to Hristo. Stojko explained that he had invoked the Palidjuran, allowing him to break from his Worskand while visiting a deathbed. He called Hristo by his true name, and asked him why he let the giant rats attack rather than try to speak with them. Truthfully, the Noniz known as Hristo had not considered it. Stojko promised to find him a mouse he could keep as a pet and practice speaking to it.
Gurntar Wolum, a dwarven ironmonger, sought out Gabriel. He was very interested in the plans of Gabriel's companions. Gurntar represented a large number of the dwarves residing in Prymp who planned to leave town before it fell into Provincial hands. In three days, they would leave for Rel Deven in the east, and wanted an adventuring party to accompany them. They wished for Gabriel to convince his companions to do this thing.
The time came that the Band of the Grinning Gargoyle had the chance to meet their predecessors, the Ahlissan Fist. For many of them, it was their first time meeting a full-blooded elf when they were introduced to Irsimius Galdrov. When they heard his annoying sing-songy voice, they thought the gods must hate elves. Other members included Elmud Domden, a Dwur swordsman; Weknum Neliliv, a willowy, soft-spoken conjurer; a scout named Erasamov who wasn't there -- and two new additions. The Dwur adventurer, Krowenun Marg, who had tried to join the Grinning Gargoyle
Band with Gabriel; and the lovely Lemunda, former prisoner of the pirates of Skull Keep who had been rescued and subesquently sexually harassed by our heroes.
The two adventuring parties discussed what they could do to
hinder the advancing Provincial Army. The Fist was well-
versed in guerilla tactics -- striking at the supply lines behind
the army -- and recommended this approach. Gabriel
mentioned what he had learned earlier that day. Both
adventuring parties present were too committed to the
defense of Prymp to accompany the Dwur planning to leave.
In fact, they told Gabriel instead to go back to thses Dwur
and convince them to stay and help defend their homes.
Enlock went to meet Nemis Coraz at his tower. The short,
squat structure stood at the inner corner of the Wealthy
District, not far from the Town Hall. The interior was cluttered,
and Nemis was preoccupied, but he did not have a use for an
apprentice. However, there was a place for Enlock and Vlad in
a secret gathering of magic-users scheduled to meet on the
evening of the 20th.
Alex stood vigil at the Chapel of Zilchus that night.
Coldeven 19th. Waterday.
Vlad didn't like the thought that there was a secret order of
magic-users in town all this time, and a stranger relatively
new to town was invited to join before him.
Alex trained at Prymp Keep, where Philip had arranged a
jousting list to be set up for them. However, the storm which
had started the day before would just not abate, and after a
few passes in the rain and mud, the training was moved
Word reached the party that there was some kind of ruckus in
the Dock District, possibly involving followers of Hextor, but
they did not look into it.
Stojko Goldmund brought a small wicker basket to his son,
Hristo. Inside was a mouse which Stojko had already spoken
to, and it had accepted to work with Hristo on speaking the
language of burrowing mammals -- in exchange for food.
Hristo and his mouse hit it off right away, and Hristo named
him Mister The Radiant -- in honor of his fallen comrade,
Abraham the Radiant.
Dargog had woke up early that morning and started walking
the rest of the way to Vecheld Gesto, but by early afternoon he
began to see familiar landmarks. He had accidentally turned
around when he started out that morning! Disappointed but
undaunted, Dargog turned around and headed back.
Alex stood vigil at the chapel of Zilchus, even longer this
Coldeven 20th. Earthday.
It rained again, but not as hard as it had the previous day.
Alex was quizzed by the priest, Leris Borgev, on theological
matters. In the afternoon, he was instructed to go out into
town and arrest a criminal. During a break in the rain, Alex
found an actor performing in the market without a license.
He turned the man over to the town watch, ignoring his
plaintive wails for mercy.
Dargog finally reached Vecheld Gesto. The village was half-
destroyed, and in its place he found an army encamped
around the Graf's castle. But before Dargog could reach the
camp, he was ambushed and captured by several guards.
The guards accompanying him found the nearest officer, who
immediately recognized Dargog and asked him to report.
Dargog recalled dimly that, before he wandered into Prymp
looking for his brother Ragnar, he had been sent to scout
out the town for the Provincial army. But that meant
betraying his friends -- or at least, the people who didn't beat
him up on sight. He mustered all the intelligence he could
and came up with a story about how Prymp was defended by
a giant lizard that turned men to stone by looking at them.
The officer was intrigued by this, and told Dargog to remain
in camp while he discussed this with his superiors.
Hristo got to know his new pet, Mr. the Radiant. The mouse
seemed awfully demanding for cheese, but Hristo assumed
this was just normal behavior. His father Stojko brought him
a visitor, a Noniz healer named Gerzo. Gerzo examined Hristo
but didn't seem to know what he was talking about. Gerzo's
recommendation was to give up adventuring and take up his
father's business. When Gerzo had left, Hristo talked to Mr.
the Radiant about how Gerzo didn't seem like a healer. Mr.
the Radiant said that was because the man worked with
Hristo's father.
Dargog spent some time in the mess tent, learning from the
soldiers rumors that the Graf was ready to sue for peace.
This had the soldiers disappointed, as the village had
lacked much opportunity for rape and pillage, and they
were counting on the castle to improve their pickings.
Finally, Dargog was summoned, and told that he would
accompany three other scouts back to Prymp to learn more.
One of the scouts, a man named Snake, had captured him
earlier. Dargog was displeased.
Back in Prymp, Enlock and Vlad arrived at Nemis' tower.
The gathering of magic-users consisted of Nemis Coraz,
advisor to the laird; Peter Filvo, chief warlock of the navy;
Theodoric Trovok, head tax collector; Weknum Neliliv,
conjurer of the Ahlissan Fist; Irsimius Galdrov, elven
warrior/mage of the Ahlissan Fist; Anomo, Noniz trickster
and retired carpenters guild leader; and Prent Akramov,
transmuter and retired alchemist. The first order of business
was inducting Enlock and Vlad. The two of them wished to
discuss with them what magical aid could be offered in the
defense of Prymp. Not much, it turned out, as most of them
had few combat spells to offer besides the Magic Missile
spell. Vlad was also interested to learn about Anomo, and
asked if he could be given a spellbook to replace his own
water-ruined one. Anomo, a grumpy gnome, hemmed and
hawed over this. He was sure that Vlad was only an
apprentice in need of a few cantrips, which Vlad tried to
assure him he was mistaken about. After the meeting was
adjourned, it was time to mingle informally. Nemis gave
Vlad a tour of his personal library. Vlad spotted the
following titles: The Art of Siegecraft, The Suel and the
Tiger, The Skelf Ala Saga, and the Doomesday Book of the
South Province. Vlad wished he had time to peruse those
titles, but he knew that the next day they would all be too
busy -- busy launching their first strike against the enemy.
"I was proud to wear the tabard of the South Province in
those days," Dunold spoke on his deathbed. Kliment
Petrok was Captain of the Watch in those days. His son
Philip was a young officer then, though still too far above
me in rank to ever speak to. But that was no concern of
mine, for I had ample friends amongst both the officers and
the common watchmen. It was a gift of mine, I suppose,
and I think it can be said that I did not have an enemy in
the world.
"Kaldo and Vanter were closer friends of mine, but the sort
of friends one goes to the tavern with and laughs at the
ugly wenches with. Ivan was a friend too, but he was the
sort of friend one made to advance one's career. Ivan had a
lot of friends, and perhaps all of them for the same reason.
There was something about Ivan. It wasn't the charisma
Philip Petrok had. When Petrok told you to do something,
you just felt you should do it. When Ivan told you to do
something, it just sounded like a good idea.
"One of Ivan's good ideas was to meet often at the
Tavern of the Grinning Gargoyle when off-duty. It was
close by the keep, which made it handy. The innkeeper's
son, Hershel, always gravitated towards our tables. He
practically ran the place for his aging father, but that didn't
stop him from loitering by our table, or even sitting with us
on occassion. I think he had always wanted to be a
watchman or soldier, because he always perked up when
we came in with a story to tell of happenings at the keep."
Dunold the White paused to cough. Kentol Ahkpov, let
out a sigh, and wondered how many more last words this
man had before he could administer last rites and go home.
"Do you have a message for this man, Hershel?" Kentol
"No. I have not seen him in years. When Jerwon Charik
became bailiff he cracked down on bar room brawling
amongst the watchmen by restricting how many could be in
the same tavern at a time. I could go see a few friends at a
time, but I gradually drifted away from that. It seemed more
interesting to frequent Harensh's Inn then, as the Graf's
guardsmen were free to go wild there. It was comforting to
be around officers regardless of their device, and it was fun...
"But now I've lost my place. Where was I? Oh, yes. One
day...I remember I was at the Grinning Gargoyle. Harensh
nearly raced to our table, as he could see plain on our faces
that something was deeply amiss. We produced our own
tankards and Ivan asked for ale. It was Ivan, Vanter, and me.
We sat on the benches around our table as Hershel took
our mugs to fill. We just sat there silently until he returned.
It was like we were waiting for him to ask us what was
wrong. We wanted to tell someone. When the question
came, Vanter just sighed as if he had been holding his
breath. Ivan leaned forward and rested his forehead on his
hands. They had left it to me.
It did not take long in the telling. Perhaps it would have
had Ivan told it instead of me. Somehow, the importance
of the details seemed milder in my telling, but the truth of it
was the same. Kaldo was dead. It had been routine sword
practice, but Kaldo had slipped on his defense and took a
stinging slap of the blade to the back of his hand. And then
he swore to Pelor. A senior officer heard it. Ivan lied and
said he hadn't, but the other officer was sure of it. Pelor
was a forbidden deity to invoke the name of in those days,
you know. Provincial law was strict on this point. Kaldo
could have denounced Pelor and received only a whipping,
but we could all see on his face that Kaldo planned to be
defiant. We begged him not to do it, but he wouldn't open
his mouth to save himself. We watched in horror as Kaldo
was cut down by the sword of a fellow watchman!
I cannot recall how long I ranted in the tavern that day, or
how much I said, but I know I said things that would have
seen me killed as surely as Kaldo had been, had I not been
in safer company. There came I time, though, that I turned
to Ivan and saw he looked at me with so grim a
countenance that I feared I was in danger. When I saw
Ivan was not going to take immediate action against me, I
chose to excuse myself from their company and retire for
the day. I made my way through the familiar streets
towards home, now darkened by the falling of dusk. I
would not clear two streets before noticing I was being
Greyhawkery Comics: Saga of Valkaun Dain #8
2 days ago
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