[This one seems incomplete. I'm not sure what happened to the end of it.]
Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 2000)
With the 25th playing session coming up on us so fast I could shriek, it's time I hunkered down and
cranked out a write-up for the 21st playing session. I've got another project that's semi-campaign-related to work on too. Next month at GENCON, I'll be running a one-round tournament scenario based on the early part of the South Province Campaign. Well, loosely based. It's called "Skull Mound," so some of the differences are obvious. This version of Skull Keep will be a single dungeon level simply for time considerations. Other differences will be more subtle, but reflect changes in how I think the campaign could have been run from the start.
For one thing, the tournament scenario will take place in 575 CY. Five years earlier than when our
campaign started, this change takes into account the early DRAGON magazine articles by Gygax and
Kuntz on events in the Flanaess. Although I had studied these articles before, I was determined at
the onset of beginning the campaign in 580, and held back events from the articles until after the
campaign was established.
I have also decided to downplay the independence of Prymp. There is nothing in canon to support it.
It was my heretical idea from the start that Prymp should be an oasis of goodness and hope in the
evil South Province. I recall writing this to the Greytalk listserv three years ago, actually. It's
amazing how prone I am to repeat myself at times...
The last thing I'll mention is that I'm adapting the tournament to the original D&D rules. I've
wanted to use them since I got them, but I haven't permission to use them in the campaign from my
(On the subject of GEN CON...)
From: Scott Casper
To: greytalk@mitvma.mit.edu
Cc: taerre@boccob.netultra.net
Subject: [taerre] Notice of GEN CON Event
Sent: 7/12/2000
GEN CON One-Round Tournament:
SKULL MOUND, by Scott Casper. The year is 575 CY, and Prymp is a port town struggling to free itself from the grip of the South Province's piratical navy. Plans are afoot to undermine the Province's hold on Prymp, but these plans need funding. Enter a party of adventurers who are brave enough to explore the haunted landmark, Skull Mound, said to be the resting place of the Eye of Nerull, a precious gemstone. This adventure is based on the South Province campaign chronicled on the Greytalk listserv. Eight characters of 2nd level will be provided. The original D&D rules from 1974 will be used. Sunday, 8 am to noon (or as late as 2 pm, depending on the willingness of the players and how long the scenario takes to finish).
(On the subject of Fame Points...)
From: Ronny Serio
To: scvolstagg@visto.com
Subject: Re: Fame Points and Super Heroes
Sent: 7/10/2000 14:37
>An advantage of the fame point system you may
>have overlooked is that, as the party travels more
>and meets higher level NPCs, there is a greater
>chance of running into NPCs who would also have
>fame points. It might help to recognize the herzog
>when you first meet him!
Yeah, but I think we can handle all that better, simply by using your discretion. I trust your handle on the
situation way better then some silly points system.
(On the subject of pbem'ing for a few months...)
From: Ron J.
To: scvolstagg@visto.com
Subject: Re: Discussion topics
Sent: 6/16/2000 11:43
July 22nd seems good to me - if I delay in mail reponse sent to yahoo, it's because my modem went
down at home 2 days ago and is under repair. I hope to have it running by the weekend.
I'm game on the 1 month in-game split of the party, however, 4 months of real time to finish? I would
hope we could do it faster than that via email! I don't think it is necessary for live chat sessions on
this one, since it mostly involves training and the character development. Not only that, 4 months of
real time is a long tome to go without rolling some dice!!!! :-) If we stick to email, I believe we can cut
down the time considerably. 2 months TOPS. (Besides, it would be good for August since some
of us are attending GEN CON.)
Lastly, I am for the Fame points idea. I think it would be a good reflection of the PC's
involvement in the area and their own individual fame (or in Peri's case infamy?!)
Sent by: scvolstagg@visto.com
Subject: Discussion topics
Hi all!
Some matters to discuss here...
First, when will we have our next playing session? Sometime in July is the easy answer.
Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of weekend time free. The 22nd is really the best day for me, so
will that work for everyone else?
Then we have to agree on a location for the big 25th session. Tammie would like us to play at my
house, but we owe Rob another chance for his place, and we owe Ron another visit to Peoria. So I
need feedback on that from everyone too -- preferably feedback which considers implications
other than Big Al's.
Next, we need to talk about what will happen after the 25th session. It's been mostly agreed upon at
the 24th session that the Band of the Grinning Gargoyle will split up for one month's time, so that
everyone can go their own way to train, run errands, etc. I'm keen on this idea, myself, as it should
be easier to handle than getting you all at the gaming table and going, "Okay, we just handled Alex in Rel
Deven, now let's switch to Vlad in Hexpools before going to Peri in Porton..."
However, this is going to take time, and possibly up to four months of real time for me to handle. Can we
all take a break from the gaming table that long? Alternately, we could still get together monthly for
out-of-character discussion (when was the last time we all got together as friends without gaming
anyways?), or I could DM something else, or -- gasp -- someone else could DM! I REALLY need
feedback on this one, guys. Is this plan going to work?
Lastly, it was suggested last session that we might adopt a new game mechanic to reflect the growing
reputation of the PCs -- fame points, or the like. PENDRAGON has a good system of recognition,
but I don't have the details right with me to share. Is everyone in favor of trying this, or have a
different mechanic they'd like to use?
Your DM,
From: Tom Ratz
Subject: Re: Discussion topics
Sent: 6/16/2000 13:49
The 22nd sounds good to me! I'd vote for Scotts house, though I think I might bring my own chair
this time. If we play at Rob's house he should be warned: There is a 99.9% chance that I'll have my
two kids with me. So be prepared.
4 real-time months for skipping a game month?!? Are you stoned!?! What the heck can be crawling
through your mind to make you think that we need four real-time months just to skip one game month.
If it takes that long I'd say we should just split up during game play. This way I'd at least have the
satisfaction of knowing you have a growing headache. :-P I agree with Ron that we could handle this thing in the span of a couple of weeks with just a few emails. (Scott Caspers Ultimate Grewhawk PBeM Campaign!!!) As for fame points I must agree. (especially seeing as I mentioned it!) I'd like to hear what
this Pendragon fellow has to offer. Did I read mention of Peris' infamy?!?
Enlock, Neutral Good male Oerdian apprentice (1st level magic-user, NPC today).
Barada, Neutral male Flannish mercenary (1st level fighter, NPC today).
Alexander Petrok, Lawful Neutral male Oerdian protector of Zilchus (1st level paladin variant).
Perpegilliam Brown, Chaotic Neutral male Hairfoot Hobniz cutpurse (3rd level thief).
Andel Mooriv, Lawful Good male Oerdian acolyte (1st level cleric of Pholtus, NPC today).
Gabriel Lanovastorm, Mentherim-Dwur ("Common Hill") veteran (1st level fighter, NPC today).
Vladamir Kostitov, Lawful Good male Oerdian minor trickster and agent of Prymp's Laird (2nd level illusionist).
Hristo, Neutral Good male Wesevud ("Central") Noniz ex-town watchman and rogue (1st level fighter/1st level thief).
Most of the Band of the Grinning Gargoyle was ready, if not chomping at the proverbial bit to go out and face the Provincial Army. However, Alexander was still in training, and Perpegilliam had not returned from his training. In Peri's case, he had not yet returned because he was busy frequenting his favorite brothels. In Alex's case, his training proved most difficult. At combat, he excelled, but the priests of Zilchus continued to tell him day after day that he was not yet ready. One day, while Alex was
fasting and standing vigil in the chapel, the priests came up to him and convinced him it was alright to take some soup. The soup was drugged, and Alex fell into a deep sleep. Therein, he
dreamed that his father was forcing him to remain in the chapel while his friends were dying outside. Alex could not stand up to his father in the dream. Later, while awake, he would tell his
father that he must leave Prymp to seek greater justice for the Province. Philip Petrok, his father, let him go. Alex was told his training was completed.
Prymp's other team of adventurers, the Ahlissan Fist, had already left to go harass the army besieging Vecheld Gesto to the south. The Grinning Gargoyle Band followed suit, riding
horses borrowed from the town. They promptly ran into a scouting party of 20 goblins. The battle took awhile, but the party's victory was never in much doubt. They had faced worse odds already under Skull Keep.
They were not prepared for the shock they received when they headed further south, and came across the Provincial Army itself. Well over 1,000 men and orcs were marching northward, and they were already halfway to Prymp. Vecheld Gesto had presumedly fallen. The heroes would not sit idle
for long, however, having learned from the Ahlissan Fist that the army would be most vulnerable in its supply line trailing the army. Sure enough, there were 100 squires leading horses
with barely any guards. From a safe distance the party hung behind and watched them, until they set up camp for the night. In a lightning strike, the party rode into the camp and
started setting wagons and tents on fire. The camp's guards were not able to catch the horsemen, but Alex and Gabriel had snuck up to the camp on foot, and Gabriel was caught
at eight to one odds. The Dwur was beaten unconscious, and the guards would have killed him had Andel not ridden through their ranks and scooped him up in his arms without
stopping! As the party retreated, they heard a group of men chanting the name Asmodeus. The party decided it was time to leave.
Heading back to Prymp, the party saw the Provincial Army had set up camp just a mile south of town. They carefully moved around the camp. Buildings were being erected by
torchlight, and siege engines stood menacingly over the whole affair. Just outside town, the defending army was constructing a camp of its own. Prymp no longer needed
warning that the Herzog's troops were coming.
Greyhawkery Comics: Saga of Valkaun Dain #8
2 days ago
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