[The following were developed in 2004 for a possible d20 superhero campaign]
Character Name: Clark Kent/Superman
Class: Fighter
Race: Kryptonian
Alignment: Neutral Good (Chaotic)
Level: 6
Campaign: All-Star Campaign
Experience Points: 15,000
Size: M
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 446 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Complexion: Fair
Abilities Bonus
STR: 69 +29
DEX: 25 +7
CON: 68 +28
INT: 18 +4
WIS: 17 +3
CHA: 19 +4
HP: 228
AC: 17
AC Type: None
Initiative: +11
Speed: 60 ft.
Saving Throws: Fortitude +33, Reflex +9, Will +5
Melee Bonus: +35/+30
Ranged Bonus: +13/+8
Skills: Balance (Dex+1=8), Bluff (Cha+3=7), Climb (Str+1=30), Disguise (Cha+2=6), Gather Info. (Cha+3=7), Heal (Wis+1=4), Intimidate (Cha+6=10), Intuit Direction (Wis+1=4), Jump (Str+593=622), Know. - Architecture (Int+1=5), Know. - Geography (Int+1=5), Know. - Local (Int+1=5), Listen (Wis+6=9), Prof. - Journalist (Wis+3=6), Search (Int+3=7), Sense Motive (Wis+2=5), Spot (Wis+6=9), Swim (Str+1=30)
Lift Over Head: 60 tons Lift Off Ground: 120 tons Push or Drag: 300 tons
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Stike, Iron Will, Power Attack, Run, Stunning Fist.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction +4/-20, Keen Senses (x2 vision/60' darkvision).
(Race: Kryptonian. +50 to Str, +25 to Dex, +50 to Con, +1 to Int, +2 to Cha. x2 Speed. Double Skill points total. No Skill max on Jump, +500 points automatically . Double no. of Feats.)
Character Name: Bruce Wayne/Batman
Class: Monk/Rogue
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Level: 2/2
Campaign: All-Star Campaign
Experience Points: 6,000
Size: M
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Complexion: Fair
Abilities Bonus
STR: 17 +3
DEX: 18 +4
CON: 18 +4
INT: 18 +4
WIS: 18 +4
CHA: 16 +3
HP: 44
AC: 21
AC Type: None
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30 ft.
Saving Throws: Fortitude +7, Reflex +10, Will +7
Melee Bonus: +5
Ranged Bonus: +6
Skills: Alchemy (Int+3=7), Balance (Dex+2=6), Bluff (Cha+3=6), Climb (Str+4=7), Disable Device (Int+6=10), Disguise (Cha+3=6), Escape Artist (Dex+5=9), Gather Info. (Cha+6=6), Heal (Wis+1=5), Hide (Dex+5=10), Innuendo (Wis+2=6), Intimidate (Cha+6=9),
Intuit Direction (Wis+1=5), Jump (Str+1=4), Know. - Geography (Int+1=5), Know. - Local (Int+2=6), Know. - Nobility (Int+1=5), Listen (Wis+2=6), Move Silently (Dex+6=10), Open Lock (Dex+6=10), Pick Pocket (Dex+2=6), Read Lips (Int+1=5), Ride (Dex+1=5), Search (Int+5=9), Sense Motive (Wis+3=7), Spot (Wis+5=9), Swim (Str+1=4),
Tumble (Dex+3=7), Use Rope (Dex+1=5)
Lift Over Head: 86 lbs. Lift Off Ground: 173 lbs. Push or Drag: 260 lbs.
Feats: Combat reflexes, Improved initiative.
Special Qualities: Unarmed strike (1d6), Stunning attack, Evasion, Deflect arrows, WIS bonus adds to AC, Sneak attack +1d6, Search/Disarm magical traps.
Items: Alchemist's lab, Thieves' tools (masterwork).
Character Name: Wesley Dodds/Sandman
Class: Rogue
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Level: 2
Campaign: All-Star Campaign
Experience Points: 1,000
Size: M
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 172 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown
Complexion: Fair
Abilities Bonus
STR: 16 +3
DEX: 17 +3
CON: 16 +3
INT: 18 +4
WIS: 17 +3
CHA: 13 +1
HP: 18
AC: 13
AC Type: None
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft.
Saving Throws: Fortitude +3, Reflex +6, Will +3
Melee Bonus: +4
Ranged Bonus: +5
Skills: Alchemy (Int+2=6), Appraise (Int+1=5), Balance (Dex+3=6), Bluff (Cha+4=5), Climb (Str+4=7), Craft - Origami (Int+1=5), Decipher Script (Int+1=5), Disable Device (Int+2=6), Disguise (Cha+1=2), Escape Artist (Dex+3=6), Gather Info. (Cha+3=4), Heal (Wis+1=5), Hide (Dex+3=6), Innuendo (Wis+1=4), Intimidate (Cha+2=3), Intuit Direction (Wis+1=4), Jump (Str+1=4), Know. - Geography (Int+2=6), Know. - Local (Int+2=6), Know. - Nobility (Int+1=5), Listen (Wis+2=5), Move Silently (Dex+3=6), Open Lock (Dex+3=6), Pick Pocket (Dex+2=5), Ride (Dex+1=4), Search (Int+3=7), Sense Motive (Wis+3=6), Spot (Wis+3=6), Swim (Str+1=4), Tumble (Dex+3=6), Use Rope (Dex+2=5)
Lift Over Head: 76 lbs. Lift Off Ground: 153 lbs. Push or Drag: 230 lbs.
Feats: Improved initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Special Qualities: Sneak attack +1d6, Search/Disarm magical traps, Evasion.
Magic Items: Wand of Sleep (50 charges, as per the spell, rechargeable).
Character Name: Jay Garrick/Flash
Class: Expert
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good (Chaotic)
Level: 1
Campaign: All-Star Campaign
Experience Points: 500
Size: M
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 179 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark brown
Complexion: Fair
Abilities Bonus
STR: 19 +4
DEX: 36 +13
CON: 24 +7
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 13 +1
CHA: 14 +2
HP: 13
AC: 23
AC Type: None
Initiative: +13
Speed: 800 ft.
Saving Throws: Fortitude +7, Reflex +13, Will +3
Melee Bonus: +4
Ranged Bonus: +13
Skills: Alchemy (Int+3=5), Climb (Str+4=5), Heal (Wis+3=4), Intuit Direction (Wis+4=4), Jump (Str+4=8), Know. - Geography (Int+4=6), Listen (Wis+3=4), Search (Int+4=6), Spot (Wis+4=5), Swim (Str+3=7)
Lift Over Head: 116 lbs. Lift Off Ground: 233 lbs. Push or Drag: 350 lbs.
Feats: Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Greyhawkery Comics: Saga of Valkaun Dain #8
2 days ago
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